Call of duty cold war beta date
Call of duty cold war beta date

Hopefully we get some maps that actually fit 6v6 play styles. This means we’ll have 6v6, 12v12 and 20v20 modes during the Cold War beta. To begin with, these modes will be available: There will also be regular updates and changes during the beta, so maps and modes will likely change throughout. Judging by the trailer (below) that includes the night map Miami and the desert map Satellite. There will be a rotation of maps that will likely be similar, but not exact, to the alpha. ContentĪctivision and Treyarch haven’t announced a ton of specifics for the beta. Pre-loading on PS4 is now open, so get the beta downloaded ASAP so you’re ready to hop in tomorrow at 10 am (or this weekend if you’re only joining the Open Beta). The file size for Xbox One and PC have not yet been announced, but the beta on PS4 clocks in at 31.1 GB. Xbox & PC Open Beta Begins: October 17 10 AM PT.Early Access for Xbox & PC (PS4 Open Beta) Begins: October 15 at 10AM PT.

call of duty cold war beta date call of duty cold war beta date

Weekend 2 - Beta on PS4, Xbox One, and PC Early Access Begins: October 8 at 10AM PT.

Call of duty cold war beta date